I could also recall secondary school, when we were asked to
label a grasshopper, it had no ears in the labeling.
* Do you know grasshoppers have ears on their stomach.
Grasshoppers hear the songs of its fellow grasshoppers
through its simple eardrum known as tympana. This auditory organ is hidden
under the wings on each side of the first abdominal segment.
they can hear, grasshoppers cannot distinguish pitches very well but only
detect the differences in intensity and rhythm.
Each specie has a characteristic rhythm that distinguishes
its songs from others species and this also aids courting males and females
species in locating each other.
* Do you know grasshoppers are good source of protein?
John the Baptist had one of the best meal of his life when
he had locusts and honey in the wilderness.
In some regions of Africa, America and Asia, grasshoppers
are a regular meal and from findings, grasshoppers are delicious. So, the next
time you need some good source of protein you should try grasshoppers. Lol!
* Do you know that grasshoppers and locusts are same?
According to 2010 article on locusts by Alexandre Vsevolo
Latchininsky, which was published in the encyclopedia of animal behavior, he
explained saying “all locusts are grasshoppers b
'ut not all grasshoppers are
Locusts are tagged “short-horned grasshoppers and the major
difference between them is the behavioral states of each. Locus can exist in two
behavioral states- solitary and gregarious but grasshoppers do not.
Now you know.
What are those other hidden facts or myths you know about grasshoppers?
Photo credit: Scientificamerica
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